Gallery of Projects

These are my recent coding projects. This is where my future projects will also be posted as I finish them. Github Links are provided for projects where they exist. Please look at the README files for more information.

Screenshot of astrology project.

Daily Horoscope Github

A personal journal and daily Horoscope page. Built in MERN stack with particle.js and auth0.

gif of command line project.

Readme Wizard

A command Line Interface that puts together a README file for your project. Made in node.js.

Workout tracker screenshot

Workout tracker. Github

A workout tracker that displays data in a beautiful dashboard. Built using express, and indexedDB.

Screenshot of note taker website

Note Taker Github

A note taking app using express and node.


Taco's CO playlist generator github

Find and sample your favorite tracks to create playlists. Built using giphy and deezer APIs.

A Screenshot of the band website.

Dimmu Borgir Webpage

My first pure HTML and CSS website. No longer updated.


Heavy Metal Weather github

Type in a city or zip code to find the weather!

Screenshot of travel blog.

Travel Blog github

A community travel blog. Using passport and MySQL.

Screenshot image.

Day Planner github

Plan out your day. Uses jQuery, Bootstrap, and dayjs.

Screenshot image.

JavaScript Quiz github

I made a quiz about javascript to practice writing javascript.

Screenshot image.

Password Generator github

Conjure up a personalized password here. Simple prompts and fast results!

rock paper scissors rules.

Rock Paper Scissors

Just for fun, rock paper scissors game written in javascript.